Product market fit - hijack your growth
Hi everybody! I hope everyone is doing great! This week has been super busy and exciting. I shared a post on linkedin commenting a graph from Lenny Rachitsky’s Newsletter on Product Market Fit and it created a huge discussion amongs the tech community!
People had really great comments, questions and different opinions about the road to product market fit and what it truly means. Some of them were like the following:
So, since there were so many doubts and interest, I’ve decided to dive deep into this topic and write a super newsletter on Product Market Fit!
In the article I will discuss all the doubts, questions, ideas and give information on top startups path to product market fit.
So, subscribe for free to get it directly on you inbox!!
It will come out next week, since it’s taking me longer than usual to write! So keep posted and make sure you read it next week!
In the meantime, I thought I could share several podcasts that I really liked! I’m always telling my colleagues I would make a list so I decided this could be a good moment for it.
Let me know what you think!
1. Joe Rogan & David Choe
David Choe is an artist that drew a mural for Facebook when it was an early stage startup. When Facebook went to pay him, they were short in cash so they offered him to pay him in stocks instead. David Choe accepted and the stocks later were worth 200M. Yes, crazy story! Besides from that David has a super interesting story and listening to him is mindblowing!
2. Patrick Bet-David
Patrick Bet-David (PBD) is an exiled iranian that immigrated to the USA at 12 years old. Before moving to the US Patrick spent 2 years in a refugee camp in Germany. Patrick built several really succesfull businesses in the USA and now hosts a podcast in which he discusses politics and news. In this episode, he interviews the son of Mohammad Reza Pahlavi, the last Shah of Iran.
3. Rich Roll & Leah Goldstein
Rich Roll is a former lawyer that found himself at 40 being alcoholic and unhappy and decided to turn his life around. Just two years later, he began clocking top finishes at Ultraman World Championships and leading a community of others looking to transform their lives. On this episode he interviews Leah Goldstein, a woman that after a career in the special forces in the Israeli Army decided to become professional cyclist and made it (amongst holding a couple of wins for RAAM- Race Across America) A beast!
And, this is all for now!!!
Talks soon and see you next week for the Product Market Fit full article!