How a 29 year old sold his startup for +$800M + favourite podcasts
Check out some of my favourite resources about startups and entrepreneurship!
Hey everybody, welcome back to Product Market Fit!! 🚀🚀🚀
I’m currently writing an article about how to create your go to market strategy, but it’s going to take me a little bit more than usual so probably I’ll post it next week.
This week I wanted to share some of the best content for entrepreneurs accessible out there!
Let’s begin!!!- (PS: Because there’s going to be a lot of video today, I’m saving a great music session for next NL)
1. Think Big:
Decoding The Extreme Personalities of THE TOP 1% (Savage Mindset)
I Sold A Company For $800M At 29... What I’m Doing Now
2. Saas Playbooks
SaaS Club / The SaaS Podcast: Realize how founders do it and learn to do it yourself
Bootstrapping a B2B SaaS to $13M ARR
From zero to $1M ARR in 7.5 months
3. Mindset
Fire destroys your gym and hurts your business: GOOD... Now you can build it back better!!!
How to build immense inner strength
4. If you are into communities: this is mindblowing
Sam Parr - founder of the Hustle talks about
Also check out the how to build a 1M ARR Community business
Please don’t forget to share and subscribe!! See you next week!